

University of California, Berkeley
  • Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (expected 2025)                 August 2021 – Present
Relevant Coursework:

Computer Science:

  • CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  • CS 61B: Data Structures
  • CS 61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture
  • CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
  • CS 161: Computer Security
  • EECS 16A: Designing Information Devices and Systems I
  • CS 198-37: Introduction to Quantitative Finance


  • Math 1B: Calculus
  • CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory
  • Math 53: Multivariable Calculus
  • Math 56: Linear Algebra
  • Math 110: Advanced Linear Algebra

Machine Learning:

  • CS 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (Fall 2024)
  • EECS 127: Optimization Models in Engineering (Fall 2024)
  • CS 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • EECS 126: Probability and Random Processes
  • Data 8: Foundations of Data Science
  • Data 100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science


  • Languages: Python, Java, C, RISC-V Assembly, HTML, CSS, React.js
  • Libraries: Numpy, pandas, Matplotlib, seaborn, scikit-learn, yfinance,
  • Technologies: Git, Unix Shell, Jupyter Notebook, IntelliJ, Figma, Unity
  • Programming skills: Object-Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Monte Carlo Methods, Linear Regression, Lasso and Ridge Regression
  • Security Skills: Memory security, encryption, and password management, web security

UC Berkeley School Projects

  • Gitlet (Java): I built a simplified version of Git using a large-scale program that makes extensive use of data structures, object-oriented programming, and file processing to support essential Git operations such as adding, staging, committing, checkouts, branches, and merges.
  • Enigma (Java): I programmed a simulation of the Enigma cipher machine which was used in WW2 and eventually cracked by Alan Turing and his team at Bletchley Park. I utilized object-oriented programming and inheritance to simulate the complex behavior of the cryptographic machine.
  • Efficient Frontier Algorithm (Python): Me and my team programmed the Efficient Frontier Algorithm, which optimizes a stock portfolio by choosing weightings that maximize the reward-to-risk ratio. We did this by collecting price data on over 300 stocks, calculating the correlation matrix between them, and then solving for the optimal weightings using numerical libraries in Python.
  • Secure file sharing (Golang): I and my partner built a secure file-sharing system that allows users to upload, append, and share encrypted files. By utilizing a mix of symmetric and asymmetric encryption, the contents of files are never sent over a network unencrypted and can only be hacked by breaking the user’s password which is salted and hashed.
  • Artificial Neural Networks: I built an artificial neural network using the fams multilayer perception architecture. The neural network was trained to classify handwritten digits and achieved near-perfect success when pitted gainst the test data. I also trained another neural network which was trained to classify what language a word was part of.

Personal Projects: My projects usually start with simple ideas that I’m experimenting with. I then add layers of complexity and features to my codebase before refining my project into a final state. Many of the projects listed below are uploaded and documented on my GitHub:

  • Games: Chess, Horse Racing Simulation, Krazy Run (procedurally generated platformer videogame), Slot Machine Simulation, and 20-questions Game.
  • Mathematical Simulations: Fractals (Sierpinski’s triangle, Mandelbrot set), Cellular Automata (Conway’s Game of Life, Elementary Cellular Automata)
  • Graphics Simulations: Droste Effect, Image Blurring, Fireball Simulation, Lightning Simulation

Work Experience

  • Software Development Intern | Geopogo, Berkeley, CA (January 2023 – May 2023)

    • Worked on the CreatorCAD team, utilizing technologies such as C# and Unity in order to help refine and build the CreatorCAD platform.
  • Computer Science Mentor | UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (September 2022 – May 2023)
    • Computer Science Mentor (CSM) for CS 61B: Data Structures course at UC Berkeley. CSM is a student-run organization that provides guidance and resources in a smaller classroom environment through group tutoring sessions.
  • High School Explainer | Exploratorium, San Francisco  (May 2019 – September 2019)
  • Summer Camp Counselor | Berkeley Day Camp (June 2017 – August 2017)


  • Berkeley Mutual Aid (2020-2021); Berkeley Animal Care Services (2014-2016)